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Old 04-16-2021, 09:35 PM   #159 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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spyder2 - '00 Toyota MR2 Spyder
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Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
I haven't had a chance to do much research, but while looking up info on the car, I found a video that mentioned they put a "big block" corolla engine in their echo.
1ZZ/2ZZ engines bolt up to the C56, C59, C60, C64, C65 transmissions, among others. These transmissions and engines are not compatible with anything else AFAIK.

The 1NZ bolts up to the C160, C50, C52, C54 off the top of my head. The 2ZR from the newer Corolla comes with an EC60 standard, but I think it bolts up to all the above, and they're also compatible with the older transmissions that came with the 3A, 4A engines.

Toyota's bigger engines are a little more swap friendly, the S, E, and EB transmissions fit all just about everything that ever came on a Camry, possibly with some grinding and moving the starter and exhaust and coolant pipes around.
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