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Old 04-17-2021, 02:43 PM   #46 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Gunnison, CO
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I'm no expert about climate change and green tech and such, nor do I care to argue about it nor try to blame one side or the other of following a cult of some sort. But for me as a person who needs to get to work, to the store, get kids to school and to other activities other than playing Nintendo and visit my parents and my in-laws, well I need to put A, B and C together to make it work.

First off lots of governments are shooting for an all-electric future. Washington state apparently just marked 2030 as the year when neither new nor used ICEV's can be registered in the state. So if that's the way things end up going then it's only a matter of time for my state to adopt similar laws and for me and lots of others will have to accept this future.

And even if EV's don't end up being forced like governments say they are, that doesn't mean as a consumer I can't put EV's on the list of possibilities. When I got my Leaf it was the nicest car I ever had and it was also the cheapest to own and operate according to Edmunds 5 year TCO calculator, other than a used Mitsubishi Mirage. And the Leaf would have worked out quite well had my circumstances not changed so that I now had to travel much farther distances.

Looking at the outlet I have outside right now on this rented property and on the apartment I may get in the near future I see that I may be limited to a 15A 120V outlet (unless the government also mandates that all homes have to have level 2 EVSE's installed on them). Guessing that 120V charging is 80% efficient on a Tesla Model 3, that gives me about 35 miles EPA range per 8-hour night, again for all my future EV's combined. Of course that's not accounting for -20F or colder weather.

So it's either I pay for more charging or figure out how to drive farther on the same amount of electricity or avoid EV's as long as possible.
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