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Old 04-18-2021, 08:37 AM   #7 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
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I know that climate change and fossil fuels and such are all controversial. But regardless, it seems most governments feel that fossil fuels are causing a worsening pollution problem.

One solution to fossil fuel pollution is to stop burning fossil fuels. The other is to keep burning them but figure out how to remove the pollution from the air, including CO2.

On that former solution, how could we as a society stop burning fossil fuels? One way is to stop driving (ICEV's), stop cooking (on gas stoves), stop using electricity (made from coal), etc., etc., etc. Another is to replace those things with something else that doesn't involve burning fossil fuels.

Thinking of the latter, could a fossil fuel free future be possible without sacrificing modern conveniences and make that possible for the masses? I have no idea, I'm no expert. I mean, sure, maybe. Instead of gas stoves we could all get electric stoves. Instead of getting electricity from coal we could get it from solar and wind. Instead of driving ICEV's we could drive BEV's.

At one point I owned a gasoline car, a diesel car and an electric car all at the same time, and they all had the ability to get me from point A to B. The diesel let out large clouds of black smoke. The gasoline car didn't smell to good seeing how it was a 1972 VW with no catalytic converter or the like. But the EV didn't make any smoke. And the closest electric generator plant to where I live is 100% hydro-powered. No smoke or anything like that coming from there.

But the thing of it is, if there ever is going to be a mass transition to a fossil free future governments will have to get involved. Obviously making incentives would be much nicer than doing it by force. But on the other hand, if they don't make a date to work towards as a goal then it's hard to make plans to meet that goal.

Personally I don't know what's what nor do I car to argue one way or the other. Governments do what governments do. So far they've banned carburetors and made seat belts and air bags a must. But they also have pushed car manufacturers to make vehicles that are more fuel efficient.

I wonder if this is like back when cars started coming out with expensive catalytic converters, fancy fuel injection systems and EGR or when leaded fuel was banned. People were sure they'd be up a creek without a paddle. But now we look back and think of those changes as being good.

I have no idea what will happen with the EV situation. 2030 is still kind of a long time away. And it doesn't mean that all existing ICEV's will have to suddenly be retired. I've never bought a new car anyway and as long as used cars exist that's what I'll probably be driving, whether they be gasoline, diesel, CNG or electric.
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