air conditioning aero drag and heat flux to radiator
* typically, the air conditioning condenser coil is placed upstream of the radiator. It's aerodynamic drag is present whether or not the system is operating, depending upon active thermal management of the cooling system, while at rest, under artificially-induced airflow, or dynamic pressure-induced flow.
* engine / motor cooling load, battery cooling load, and climate control heat rejection must all be handled by the cooling system.
* climate control must satisfy full passenger metabolic heat flux, any engine compartment firewall conduction, non-glazed exterior surface heat conduction, and glazed surface, direct solar greenhouse effect and infrared radiation at full-sun, peak Summer heat, at Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California, USA ( typically 120-F ), at 'idle', parked, with all accessories 'ON,' to a specified thermostat setting.
* electric forced-air power consumption must be part of the vehicle's energy accounting.
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