Thread: Decimal places
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Old 04-21-2021, 06:05 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
Well, we can now add that you don't know much about car magazines, too! Motor Trend would simply have been quoting Fiat, and Fiat would have provided the 6.3 per cent as a rounded number.

To even try to pretend that the figure was exactly 6.3 per cent, and therefore solving for the Cd of the 500 pop requires calculations to 6 decimal places, is typical of the sort of mental knots you tie yourself in when trying to prove your point. It's pretty sad.
And now your psychic powers have discerned that 6.3% is a FIAT rounded number. Certainly you have an SAE Paper which clearly certifies the truth of the matter.
Don Sherman was courteous enough to tell us that he 'rounded' his Drag Queens data. Pretty rare.
Perhaps you'd like to rewrite all written correspondence in your superior hand. Thanks in advance!
Those who perhaps, have access to only the popular press, will also have only the values these sources provide in attempting to navigate aerodynamics.
Working with default levels of accuracy, derived from this literature might offend only those who've never attempted the voyage.
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