Thread: Decimal places
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Old 04-23-2021, 06:59 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
Here's an example of a reverse-engineering challenge involving Tesla's Model S
* Julian Edgar reports that the Model S has a 8% cooling-drag system.
The Tesla Model S has been reported with:
Cd 0.26
Cd 0.247
Cd 0.24
Cd 0.225
Cd 0.208
SAE 2012-01-0178 provides us with a frontal area of 2.4-meters-squared ( 25.8333 sq-ft )
This gives us a range for the Model S drag factor, from CdA 6.7166 sq-ft ( 0.6239 meters-squared ), to, 5.3733 sq-ft ( 0.49919 meters-square )
This range offers a spectrum of at least five-different cooling-system drags.
Since Julian Edgar has not provided any specificity as to what ' 8% ' actually means, ' 8%' remains an unknown quantity to any of the 136,000 members who might wish to 'engineer' cooling systems.
I'm often uncertain what underlies the motivation for some of Julian Edgar's posts. Certainly he must understand that members actually have a desire to 'engineer.'
And since the 'signal-to-noise ratio' of some mods complicates the ability to even discern an actual 'change' in drag, the need of highest specificity cannot be overemphasized.
Good example of Aerohead deliberately trying to create confusion.

The reference I used was the third post in my thread that introduced the topic:

Tesla Model S -

Palin, R., Johnston, V., Johnson, S., D'Hooge, A. et al., The Aerodynamic Development of the Tesla Model S - Part 1: Overview, SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0177, 2012

I even asked members to read the paper and check my calculation for themselves!
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aerohead (04-28-2021), AeroMcAeroFace (04-24-2021)