Originally Posted by redneck
That is however, till they start taxing the miles you drive which will make it a wash.
You’ll be paying one way or the other.
It’s a rigged game...
On my twice weekly 100ish mile trip the fastest route is a full 10 miles further than the most fuel efficient (and slower) route.
Road taxation via registration or mileage on private citizens should be capped with a max.
I’m fine with taxes on fuels but the police state surrounding annual registration enforcement costs billions a year and should be disbanded
If we want to increase road funds they are gonna have to figure out where it comes out of general funds since more and more people barely drive and the cost to collect will exceed any benefits they foresee.
Amazon alone got 3.4billion in out and out grants and 20billion more of tax exemptions
Seems “hard choices” need to be made by government in terms of which businesses stop getting subsidized.