Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that ginormous = safe propaganda one bit.
Good, because it's just propaganda. And what the people who espouse this idea fail to recognize is that driving a heavier vehicle increases crash energy for *everyone* involved an accident.
If you want to be safest in the event of a crash (which, first--don't drive unsafely and you will likely be able to avoid one. In 20+ years driving, I have only been involved in two accidents. Both were rear-ends in which the other drivers were at fault), get a car that deforms, not the popular idea of a "strong" car or truck that doesn't. Deformation dissipates energy and increases the time it takes for you to come to a stop inside the vehicle and the vehicle to stop moving, which reduces the magnitude of your acceleration and thus the force that acts on your squishy insides. The same principle underpins the design of airbags.