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Old 05-11-2021, 03:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Zippar, new-gen electric ropeway system

Zip Infrastructure Inc. offers the least expensive and fastest-built transportation infrastructure and travel pod system. This could be easily overlaid over existing urban centers and wind around crowded city scapes. Their proposal is to quickly build electric-powered ziplines along major thoroughfares as an alternative conveyance or as a secondary service to branch out from regular train/bus service. They could assign different-sized lightweight capsules carrying up to 12 people per journey or to transport loads. Their service will work with an app that will pick you up, can switch to different ropelines to bring you to your desired destination. The electric ropeway costs a fifth less than a conventional monorail service, quickly built & assembled, easily maintained, relatively quiet, unobtrusive and autonomously operates.

Not your regular ski lifts, gondolas, aerial tramways and amusement park skyliners.

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