Originally Posted by redpoint5
I'd like to know more details. The gas must have spilled out, and he must have lit up right next to them.
Wondering why he didn't throw the flaming cans out of the vehicle?
I used to spill a bit of gas every time I filled equipment in the garage. I'd light the spill on fire to dispose of it. One time it was a bit more of a spill than normal, and when it flamed up I took a step backwards kicking the fuel can over and igniting it. Flames streamed across the garage floor as the gas spilled out. I grabbed the flaming can and chucked it out of the garage into the lawn. Then I grabbed a blanket and smothered the fires in the garage.
That's one hell of a shot of adrenaline! I mean, I assume it would be if I'd ever done anything similar...
Considering this genius was trying to stockpile less than 1 extra tank worth of gas while spending an extra $100 in gas cans to hold it... I highly doubt anything intelligent was at play here.