Originally Posted by wagonman76
New tires will add some resistance. The big killer is cold and wind. Ive been noticing that here too.
Yep! Right, on all accounts!
- Rock-hard 'bald' tires will give you the least resistance!
If you want to go for the gold, you should be running 'Land Speed' tires:
Goodyear Land Speed Tires (low resistance, lightweight, and rated to 300 mph)
- Cold/wet air is VERY dense! When I took ground school (for flying planes) air density was drummed into us.
With cars, sure air density affects FE, but with planes it can and will kill you!
In the state of Alaska, they have their own set of flight tables because the air is so cold and dense that it doesn't take hardly any power and speed to get off the ground.
In Arizona, when it got 122 degrees, the FAA grounded all commercial flights, because they were afraid that planes wouldn't be able to take off and land safely.
Anyway, yes, you're taking a triple hit!