I haven't "budgeted" since I had my first full-time job and slept in my car to boost my savings in a hurry.
I buy the things that create more utility or pleasure for me than the pain of spending the money, and that ends up being much less than the amount I make. My natural saving tendency means my account grows month by month, year by year. Even in prison where one must buy everything, shoes, toothbrush, soap, nail clippers, radio, etc, earning 20 cents per hour, I walked out a couple hundred bucks better off after a year.
My method of having no method works for hardly nobody. Most people want to spend the money they have. A woman once explained to me that my method doesn't work, and that everyone needs a budget or they will be financially ruined.
... I do have a spreadsheet tracking my major fixed income and expenses, so when I consult it every couple years I have a rough idea of how rapidly I'm accumulating wealth.
The newest car I currently own is my 2006 Acura TSX. Not continually spending money on a car really helps.
Last edited by redpoint5; 05-25-2021 at 07:21 PM..