Originally Posted by Tahoe_Hybrid
at 55MPH... V8 mode it reports 48-55MPG "instant mpg" with no electric assist , at 55mph in EVT2 gear.. steady speed flat land.. with a slight head breeze it will drop
so i only need to pick the low hanging fruit
Can you make a run in both directions where, for more than 1/4 mile or so, you can keep that 48-55mpg heading each direction?
My gas hog shows 50mpg instant mpg on relatively flat land… just can’t seem to hold it up for long, or make it do it both directions.
I don’t know if you can reset your trip to get a good short term average mpg, but instant mpg really is more misleading than it is helpful in knowing your potential steady state mpg.
Go ahead and grab some of that low hanging fruit then. But that might just be enough to hit your goals under ideal conditions, if you want to get your average up there though, you’ll need maximum effort.