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Old 06-08-2021, 01:09 AM   #158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
Look, you wrote something that is pretty silly:

A moment of thought shows that anyone who does this is going to spend their life embracing an infinite amount of rubbish.

Most people let your sort of comment pass (just like they do with: "there are no stupid questions") but if people keep spouting garbage and no one challenges, then it just goes on and on.

I showed the silliness of that notion very easily with my moon/cheese example. If you can't see that, that's fine: keep voraciously chasing mirages. But for me, and most people I professionally deal with, that would be a waste of a seriously finite life.

Instead it is far better to say, "When confronted with a new idea, I ask for the evidence for that idea, and then weigh that evidence up carefully".

[Shrug] I can see lots of stuff here that has taken on a life of its own over the years (eg The Template), where there was a severe lack of evidence but it was adopted wholeheartedly* - so maybe what you say is of no surprise.

*Yes Freebeard, I know you occasionally demurred.

I just see so much rubbish circulated re car aerodynamics that one starts to wonder what intellectual rigor (propositions; evidence for those) people are actually applying. Usually, very little or none, I think.
If you can't understand the difference between "embracing" and "open", this discussion is rather pointless.

But I do have a "silly" idea, you really do understand the difference, and why you are resorting to pejoratives, because you are unable to back away from your original contentious unsupported statement that "ideas alone are worthless", and that is not a shortcoming I share. You have proven that inability rather well, I concede.