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Old 06-10-2021, 11:01 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vekke View Post
No my testing works fine to show the differences to 0.6% accuracy easy, fast and reliable enough at least me to trust them.

I just drive my windows up all the time. Lowering them down uses more energy as we're proved and the percentage is shown.
The point of lowering the windows is to see if the aerodynamic drag change that is measurable reflects what the literature shows actually occurs when a car is tested in a wind tunnel with its windows down versus up. When referenced against that literature, your measurements appear quite wrong.

Can you please explain how you have come to the conclusion that your on-road testing can show aerodynamic drag changes of 0.6 per cent? I can't see how that is possible in anything you have presented, but since you seem so confident, perhaps you can explain?
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