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Old 06-12-2021, 10:21 PM   #109 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
Apartment dwellers who dream of some day being able to plug in, but would have to use public charging every day to do so. Therefore they end up using their plug-in hybrid as a hybrid.
Living in a country where apartment complexes have been more common than detached houses in urban areas, which makes it harder to address the need for a readily-available recharging spot at home, that's a reason which leads me into believing a plug-in hybrid would still make more sense than a full-EV. And the majority of recharge outlets I have seen which are accessible to the public have limited operating hours.

The Aptera is for anyone who wants an EV that uses less electricity than a traditional EV.
As long as "traditional" means trying to proof at any cost that an EV will always outperform an ICE-powered counterpart, with all the toll it charges over the efficiency, I'd much rather take a look at the Aptera if I were into EVs.

and those who are new car buyers seem to prefer SUV's and pickups
Sometimes it's quite frightening how anybody looking for an ICE-powered vehiche has been mostly dictated toward oversized SUVs and pick-ups while something with a smaller footprint could be a better choice overall not only regarding cost but also efficiency. For instance, did you know the current generation of the Suzuki Jimny had to be reintroduced in the European Union as a 2-seater "commercial vehicle" instead of a 4-seater in order to circumvent some stupid regulation which imposes a higher penalty over it compared to larger SUVs with higher overall emissions and a larger footprint?
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