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Old 06-13-2021, 04:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
People I've talked to want "a heavy vehicle because 'it's safer'" and to be able "sit up high" in their vehicle. They also want lots of ground clearance because of potholes and snow.

But the original SUV is a terrible shape for fuel mileage. Both the general public and the EPA want better fuel mileage. Give people the option of a full fledged SUV that gets 10mpg and a smaller crossover that gets 25mpg and the majority will opt for the crossover simply for that reason.
Not every crossover has the ground clearance good enough as a traditional SUV often has, yet they're still often classified as a "light truck" for some random bureaucratic reasons.
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