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Old 06-13-2021, 05:14 PM   #83 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Electric tadpoles can change the game
Considering how many oversized vehicles most of the time often carry only their driver and no more than one passenger or a few grocery bags once in a while, including EVs as they've been recently more focused on outperforming a gasser counterpart than on efficiency, a trike makes even more sense as they qualify for a less strict safety regulation not requiring so many devices fitted to an actual car.

Someone should do something
Some approaches which are technically and economically viable, such as increasing the usage of ethanol which can be sourced from regional feedstocks other than corn or sugarcane, are quite underestimated. Sure it may not be seen as the one-size-fits-all, but for some operators it may serve better than being dictated toward an EV.
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