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Old 06-16-2021, 01:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
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9:15 to

Originally Posted by jakobnev View Post
aerohead -

Watch from 9:15 to 9:45, inside the craft energy always travels from the wheels to the propeller, there is no wind turbine!
1) I'm going to give it a 'fail'
2) the tattle-tail is on the wrong end of the car
3) there's no actual instrumentation
4) we have no idea what the local free-air velocity is
5) we have no idea what the vehicle surface velocity is
6) the vehicle relies on aerodynamic drag to capture propulsive kinetic energy
7) there will be a mechanical loss of the propellor as a 'sail'
8) there will be a mechanical loss of the reversed vertical struts as a 'sail'
9) there will be a mechanical loss of the wheels, body, pilot, Go-Pro, and downwind excrescence as a 'sail'
10) there will be a mechanical loss of the drivetrain
11) there will be a mechanical loss of the propellor shaft
12) there will be a mechanical loss of the propellor.
13) I suspect that turbulence downwind of the vehicle structure is inducing a low pressure which impels the tattle-tail observed orientation, fooling the observer into believing that the vehicle has exceeded the local air speed ( you can see an example of turbulent wake-induced flow reversal in the video of ' Streamlined Toyota T-100 in the Wind Tunnel ) we video-graphed this specifically for this purpose.
14) proper instrumentation will reveal the facts.
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