Originally Posted by JulianEdgar
From what he has posted here, he is doing a 3 minute run in each direction at 100 km/h, taking 5 instantaneous energy consumption measurements each way.
5 readings of the average consumtion display for each measurement point distance from start.
Not a instant readings. I believe that method is described in the other topics clearly enough with videos and all.
Covers dont seem to work on the id3 oem alu wheels. I have tested now them 2 times and they were worse on each test. Taping with that big sheet takes only 15 minutes for 18" wheel. For 17" or smaller that would be even faster as it covers then whole rim in one shot. Its also faster to take out and at least in short test it does not leave any glue or pieces of tape to wheels. Just remember to clean the wheel before install properly otherwise they wont hold in place. That cleanup takes 30% of install time