Where I live in rural New York, there are three types of higher speed roads.
1. 2-lane country roads. Speed limit is usually 55 MPH, unless marked otherwise. Normally there aren't speed limit signs on these roads. You'll encounter stop signs, farms, and some sharp turns. Most of these are probably very old roads that have been paved. The shoulder is gravel and/or grass. I live on one of these roads.
2. 2-lane highways. Speed limit is almost always 55 MPH, except for portions that run through towns. These roads connect a lot of the smaller towns together. Wider with a paved shoulder, and longer than the country roads. Rarely any stop signs. Sometimes a traffic light for a major intersection. Limited opportunities for passing other cars due to traffic, hills, and curves.
3. Divided multi-lane highways. 55 or 65 MPH. Usually fairly straight and flat. Not too many of them here. Some shorter ones near cities. And the New York State Thruway, which crosses the entire state.
City/town streets are usually 30 or 35 MPH.
Most people around here like to go 5-10 MPH over the limit. If I'm hypermiling, I'll go about 5-10 under the limit, if I can do that without holding up too much traffic.
There are a few dirt roads left. Some are just one lane with grass in the middle. Technically 55 MPH, but I don't think too many people go that fast!
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2006 Honda Insight (parts car)
1988 Honda CRXFi
1994 Geo Metro
Last edited by Gasoline Fumes; 06-21-2021 at 10:03 PM..