Thread: Getting Greedy?
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Old 06-25-2021, 11:27 PM   #3 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Big Dave View Post
Zero fossil fuels in you grandchildren's lifetime is probably a pipe dream.
Even though I don't hold my breath for that, I do believe non-fossil fuels may play an important role.

Engineers say the perfect is the enemy of the good enough.
That's when a pipe dream turns into a practical nightmare.

Going directly to non-fossil fueled vehicles is probably a bridge too far.
Fuels are not the only matter of concern. Nowadays lube oils and greases, and other fluids, have been harder to find a non-fossil replacement.

We could at least partially beat the battery/recharging problem by using direct catenary electrification of railroads and long-haul truck.
Catenary electrification could be interesting on some routes, even though I would still be favorable to some degree of hybridization instead of supporting a full-EV setup.

The US could substantially reduce its "carbon footprint" by transitioning independent IC motor vehicles by converting much of the transportation system to running on CNG or LPG - supplanting gasoline, ethanol, and diesel.
CNG has the advantage of being also possible to replace with biomethane, which can resort to the same pipelines and dispensers already in use with CNG, not to mention the same fuel systems already in use in many vehicles worldwide. But I also consider ethanol a reasonable fuel under some circumstances.

If we cannot get China on-board, what's the point of impoverishing everyone else?
Making it easier for China to spread its influence all around the world.

I am STILL of the opinion that Global Warming is an elitist scam.
I am of the opinion that global warming is a scam too, mostly because some relatively simpler solutions to fix its claimed damages are discouraged by the media and most governments, while approaches that are more likely to fail are pushed down everyone's throat.
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