Yes, the luxury cars are using it. I'm not terribly interested in a Volvo, personally, or anything else that's that expensive simply because of a badge. I'd still do a 330e but because it has the driveline I want, not because it's a BMW. I actually sometimes give them even less credit in my head because then I'd be driving a luxury car and that's not really who I am. Things like intangible quality or the "dealership experience" are completely irrelevant to me. I buy products, not brands. I'm also constantly cautious about conscious conspicuous consumption. (Who doesn't like a little alliteration?) Oh also I'm not wealthy.
My new crush is the Rav4 Prime, but they're so big. I've been thinking about dropping one on air to take out a few inches but I'm used to cars so even the seating position will be strange. Despite being a "compact" crossover/suv it's too tall.
Look at me! I'm participating in a public forum! Let's see how long this lasts.
Last edited by falkin42; 07-01-2021 at 08:18 PM..