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Old 07-03-2021, 03:43 PM   #28 (permalink)
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My charcoal chimney worked! :D

What kind of weirdo puts the chimney on the grill?!

Somehow I couldn't light the paper. The matches kept going out immediately and when I finally lit the paper it went out immediately, so I finally used a lighter cube:

[not cubical]
The cube worked perfectly, but there are two problems:
I couldn't find my large punch and I probably didn't make enough small ones. Punching holes is annoying and I could only do so much with a church key.

Mom told me that I was doing everything wrong, the paper is supposed to go in the bottom of the chimney, not under it, etc.

If only I had some way of knowing that she would completely ignore everything that I told her and make zero attempt to figure out anything!

I wanted to use the full area for charcoal, but when the top coals were glowing, they had sunk about 25%, and the bottom ones may have been used up.

I didn't take pictures of the coals out of the chimney, I put new ones on top immediately. I took the picture before I piled them:

Cook's Illustrated claimed the Weber chimney was big enough for a full load of charcoal, but obviously they don't know anything!

I tried looking up "What is bigger than a #10 can," but everything talked about how big a #10 can is.

I specifically wrote "Bigger!" Must go bigger!

I am thinking that I buy a large steel pan and put bigger holes in the bottom.

I should really put handles on it!

With a wider and shallower container the bottom coals will still be good when the top ones are ready.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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ID:	30964   Click image for larger version

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ID:	30965  
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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