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Old 07-05-2021, 05:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Proper Technique at 100 km/h?

Hey all, I’ve been relying on my scangauge for a while now and assuming I’ve been doing 45-50 MPG. After doing manual estimations, Ive realized I’m closer to 40 MPG. My manual estimate comes from burning almost a whole tank going to Winnipeg, around 600 km from me (forget the exact number). It’s a nice number, but very low to me considering my modifications and techniques.

I pulsed to 90 Km/h and coasted in neutral to 80 km/h the whole way. Only did 39.3 MPG. Scangauge said I did 55 MPG. Bummer.

On my commute, I used to DWL at 90 km/h, with the scangauge telling me I was pushing 40-45 MPG. Unsure how accurate that is.

Now, I’ve tried two techniques. First is pulsing to 100 km/h and coasting to 80 km/h in neutral. That gives highest at 37-40 MPG on my mostly highway commute. The second is the same technique but with EOC, which gives somehow less, at 32-34 MPG. I’ve got the SG set to hybrid mode to keep track while the engine is off, but it still does this weird glitch where it will read ultra low numbers for a second or two before kicking into the 9999 MPG range.

I have streamlined my work schedule so I fill up verrrryyy rarely, which makes manual measurements a monthly occurrence. I’ll have to start tracking a manual measurement next time I fill up.

My main question is: what is best? I’m driving a ‘97 Civic Si with a manual trans. Getting only about 600 km or maybe 390 miles per tank seems sub par considering my techniques. Maybe I’m doing them completely wrong? Feel free to school me on technique

As a side note, anybody know why my SG is so off? It’s commonly 10-30% off. I’ve had it tell me I’m pushing 70 MPG when I’m totally not. Don’t event trust it for averages anymore.

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