Experts say:
* they know that their present understanding of gravity is incomplete.
* they do not have a quantum theory of gravity.
* quantum mechanics cannot predict needed information at sub-atomic scale.
* they do not know much about quantum mechanics of warped spacetime.
* they know that with black holes, there's a double-nature to electromagnetic waves/ gravitons ( particles of spacetime curvature ).
* there are no experiments which can be conducted at this 'shadowy' frontier of physics.
* they're unsure of guiding principles to follow.
* Einstein's principle of equivalence may lead to a new point of view.
* some new aspect of gravity may be th key to solving the next leap.
* String Theory.
* M-Theory.
* Loop Quantum Gravity.
* Entropy-force ( Guth/ Bekenstein/ Hawking ).
* Holographic Principle.
* All-universe Tidal effects.
* Gravitational Time Dilation.
Seems like they can't possibly know much.