Any value attributed to successful earthquake prediction would have to be weighed against damage due to deflection away from real causality in other arenas, ..., and creating an atmosphere of indifference to real existential challenges.
Successful prediction blinds us to the real existential challenges Since you haven't been blinded (
) what challenges are those?
Feedbacks. total solar irradiance. orbital mechanics. freshwater pulses. Ocean salinity. Density. Currents. Upwellings. Downwellings. Equatorial heat transport. Wind. Sea surface temperature. Vertical deep mixing to 3000-meters. El Nino/ La Nina. Albedo. Evaporation. Aerosols. Cloud condensation nuclei. carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, CFCs, HFCs, permafrost, glaciers, ice caps, whitecaps, snow cover, vegetation cover, forest cover, rain forest cover, other anthropogenic activities...................
Word salad. If you had to pick
just one to explain, which would it be?