Home property taxes covers ours (which can run from $600 a year for a house in the ghetto - all the way up to a whopping $14,000+ a year for the latest-built mansions in Regina). It's unclear as to what percentage of city spending goes towards waste management, but 48.2% of the property tax goes directly to city services.
An interesting note about my city: it was recently revealed that even though we have community receptacles for recycling glass, it turned out that the city was just tossing it all out in the landfill (they said it cost more money to recycle it). It made a lot of people angry as they took the effort, thinking they were doing good for environment, when in fact they could've just tossed it in the garbage and it would've ended up in the same place anyway.
Last edited by Peakster; 01-23-2008 at 12:30 AM..