Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-26-2021, 04:25 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
IF you learn to talk properlly you can learn to talk in a languange more average Joe's will understand.
I thought the propositions I am putting have been repeatedly made clear? If not, I'll try again:

1. Using any predetermined shape (including The Template) to guide the aerodynamic shape of extensions to cars, to guide the heights of spoilers, to assess the 'aerodynamic purity' of shapes, to determine where there will be attached and separated flow (etc) is just rubbish.

2. But don't believe me - don't believe a word that I say. Go and do you own research, make your own aero measurements, read the aero textbooks for yourself. Then the amount of misinformation being promulgated here will immediately become obvious.

3. People here have been misled for a very long time by one person. His odd theories have become adopted here as fact, despite them not being supported by any technical reference. That person refuses to change his mind, irrespective of the evidence that is produced, and so normal discussion with him is impossible. If he says night = day, he appears to believe that is the case.

4. In all my years of writing about car modification, I have never seen a group of people so mired in information that is so divorced from what credible technical references and industry professional engineers actually say. Normally, when there is such BS being spouted, the group self-corrects over time, but here the BS just gets accepted as fact and repeated. Those who try to correct it usually give up after a short time and move on.

Last edited by JulianEdgar; 07-26-2021 at 05:53 PM.. Reason: typo