Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-26-2021, 04:33 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jjackstone View Post
Mr. Edgar was writing about posting facts in there somewhere. I suggest that the facts should be posted with all references and the references qualifications if not already being done.
That's been tried.

It became impossible when Aerohead posted references to textbooks that actually don't support what he was saying.

When challenged, Aerohead said that was because he (Aerohead) could see special things in the references that other people (eg I, AeroMcAeroFace and Vman455) couldn't see.

When people are just making up stuff, it's impossible to have a normal discussion.

Here's an example: there are no textbook references that support The Template being used to to guide the aerodynamic shape of extensions to cars, to guide the heights of spoilers, to assess the 'aerodynamic purity' of shapes, to determine where there will be attached and separated flow (etc).


That's pretty stunning when the above stuff has underpinned an enormous amount of advice given on this group over many years.