Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-26-2021, 03:45 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
But you can dodge the question. I can't explain your conceptual leap from no-template to mock-up.
The Template is a predetermined shape that has been stated here many times to be able to do the following:

guide the aerodynamic shape of extensions to cars, to guide the heights of spoilers, to assess the 'aerodynamic purity' of shapes, to determine where there will be attached and separated flow (etc)

Test and development, including the use of mock-ups, does not start with the above premise.

So for example, attached and separated flow is not determined by overlaying The Template on a profile of a car and making judgements. It is ascertained by tuft testing the car.

So for example, a rear hatch extension does not start with an angle determined by The Template. It starts with the angle horizontal and then inclines it downwards, with flow separation and drag being measured at the different angles.

So for example, the height on a rear spoiler on a three-box car is not determined by overlaying The Template on a profile of the car and extending it upwards until it reaches The Template line. It starts by tufting to see if there is attached or separated flow on the trunk lid (etc).

The Template is not the starting point for anything.