Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-27-2021, 05:32 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
I got somewhere into page 2 and old Jewels had gone off the rails. Everyone seems to be ignorant and that's why the US is in such a bad state?
Got any opinions on blacks or women you care to share?

You may not want to play games, but you should remember everything you post on the internet is forever.
If you are going to paraphrase me, you should at least be accurate. I actually said:

Edgar Julian actually believes that a discussion group should give advice founded on fact. Bizarre, eh? What an extraordinarily notion!

"But if they want to keep thinking that their way of thinking is better than mine that's fine because that's what I do to them."

Maybe that's why the US is in the state it is currently in? (And after such a glorious technological history....)

Because people babble absolute crap like this?