Thread: Getting Greedy?
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Old 07-30-2021, 04:03 PM   #39 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Dec 2020
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It seems really popular right now to say everything should go electric to be green. There are some fundamental issues....most especially is that Electricity is not "green". Electrical grid efficiency is about 36% at best. The grid efficiency of natural gas is about 85%. Fossil fuels are largely used to power this incredibly inefficient electric system in the US. Most of the balance is being provided by throw away Nuclear plants.... typically 30 year life. I believe our newest plant is at least 10 years past its design life. Also, if electric cars are so efficient, why can't they beat the fuel economy of most Diesel vehicles that are often larger.
Also, if nuclear sources are so safe, why is it that not a single insurance company worldwide will insure a nuclear plant? All of the plants in the US are essentially subsidized by the Feds.
The simplest solution to our energy and pollution issues has been available to us for decades...taking our existing buildings and systems and making cost effective improvements to them and using the appropriate power sources for the use.
I work with buildings quite regularly in the Chicago area and I go into building after building which are still using flourescent lighting for sales floors, offices etc. The payback to upgrade this lighting is only a couple years in Chicago. Mechanical systems are in decrepit condition, incorrectly sized, improperly managed and everyone in the building is uncomfortable. Forced air heating and cooling system continue to be installed almost exclusively despite having energy usage needs about 20 to 40% higher than better conventional systems. Buildings and homes have never even upgraded attic insulation. The U.S is filled with gasoline powered vehicles despite the fact that they use about 80% more fuel than an equal diesel vehicle.

It is often said that the U.S. is addicted to energy use.....and the word addiction seems to be the truth. We could have an increased standard of living, with more comfortable homes and buildings, more money available, and address the fundamental issues of energy and pollution but refuse to make the changes necessary. Is there any better definition for an addiction than this?

To me electricity will not be the answer until the loses are not 60% and clean and insurable generation sources can be found. In the meantime, we can go back to much more efficient generation methods...cogen or in todays terms "combined heat and power." Moving from a gas fleet to a diesel fleet, moving back to railroads for most of our commerce instead of trucks in the U.S will kick in a nice chunk of energy and pollution savings.
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