Thread: Getting Greedy?
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Old 07-30-2021, 11:12 PM   #46 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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The studies done many years ago at IIT in Chicago regarding ethanol use are quite interesting. The only area which yielded a net gain or balance in energy use ( energy used for production versus output) was in Agricultural within a radius of maybe 30 miles of the production location. That radius has probably grown with improvements in diesel mpg of trucks, but the fundamentals still hold true. The other really interesting side discovery was that the area needed to be under ethanol producing crops to run the farm equipment was basically the same as the land area that needed to be under production to feed the horses that were used in the old days.
Ethanol proved to be a negative energy source for nearly all applications, so it should be left to history, except for agricultural use.
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