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Old 08-04-2021, 10:29 AM   #205 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by slowmover View Post
"Aero" means as much storage efficiency. I see you've never worked from a truck. READING, KNAPHEIDE and others. Any railway or utility contractor. Tools and gear are protected. The truck can travel at 65+ without issue. Balanced and roadworthy.

Like the meaningless FE stunts around here: vehicles have a manufacturer weight rating. Who's posting MPG at full load out? (Ha! Who even knows that number without sneaking out to the car to look).

Solo = less than truthful as in, "I successfully drive for economy".

Truck is a work vehicle. "Aero" is about efficiency.

Driving for economy means having been at max for 10k miles to be able to make claims about FE "mastery ".

Sorry to sidetrack, OP. I run 10-12k miles monthly and forty percent or more of that empty. Fully loaded the vehicle increases in weight by more than twice. On can drive for economy -- my pickup or work truck -- but few will ever take the time to see it as practical (protests to the contrary not believable).
I doubt that I can locate the source, but, in the past, some automotive journalist commented that 95% of light truck sales constituted no more than a 'fashion statement' for the owner.
Only 5% would ever be actually used to carry a load.
Rough-framers on remodels I was involved in all dove CIVICs, Sentras, and Corollas. Only the 'boss' , who supplied the air-nailers and compressor drove a pickup. And most material was delivered to the jobsite from a wholesale supplier. It was nothing like a truck commercial on television.
I just drove from Denton to Fayetteville, Arkansas and back. Most pickups were running at extra-legal speed. And most were 'empty.'
Pure waste.
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