A few weeks ago an itinerant spectacle came in my town and their advertisements were installed everywhere in the city. As soon as the last show finished, they picked up their ads and went away.
A few weeks after I could see they forget several ads at a crossroad. I looked at them and they were made of coroplast

A few days after I decided to pick them up... At first I took only 2 sheets : 160x60 cm (62x23 inches) each. Later I decided to pick them all and finally I got 10 sheets.
As they were used two by two around a post, they are rounded (see 1st picture). They have also some plastic to protect the sheet of paper on which is printed the schedule. It took me more than one hour to remove the plastics and staples one by one (around 40 by coroplast sheet...).
Finally I let it under the sun so the water from the last rain could evaporate (2nd picture).
I began to build the non-cardboard rear wheel skirts from these coroplast sheets. As the coroplast is thinner than the cardboard, I will have to rebuild a part of it as it's now too close to the wheel. Next episode for a next week-end...