Very brief update: I haven't forgotten my Leaf, as a matter of fact I've been driving the crap out of it. But I have been very busy in real life with a multitude of projects, so the Leaf has taken a back seat.
On the plus side, my wife and I just closed on our first house, so a level-2 charger is incoming VERY soon. Pretty excited about that.
Once we get settled in, I'm debating either going all-in on ecomods, or trading the Leaf in for a Bolt, and going all-in on ecomods on that!
Need to test drive a Bolt first to see if I'd like it, but the battery range and battery management system not based on "thoughts and prayers" like Nissan's are both big pluses.
Nissan Leaf driver? Join me in Team Leaf and feel smugly superior about our MPGe
Current Car: White Lightning
Retired Car: Betty White