Originally Posted by freebeard
...Says someone who doesn't live next to a train yard.
SA's use of hyperbole is rubbing off on me.
Originally Posted by Piotrsko
If you see visible dust the day after cleaning, you have a contamination issue.
In the level 2 clean rooms back at hughes, you could clean the whole room with one handi wipe and not get it visually dirty.
At my previous job, I would on occasion pull a perforated tile up from the floor of the fab to crawl underneath to locate a network jack. Presumably this is where weeks/months/years of dust would accumulate, and I crawled in a white bunny suit. I'd find dropped pens, fasteners, and paper clips, but upon exiting the subfloor I appeared just as clean as when I entered.
That was another nice thing about servicing PCs located in a clean room; there was no dust to contend with.
It amazed me how much silicon dust could accumulate in PCs located in the rock crushing rooms and not affect operation.