Do larger drives have taller sockets?
That could help differentiate different drives for the same size.
It would be cool if I could work on a big project and dump all of the sockets into a sorter, then slide out the case, and put it away.
If I open my case the wrong way most of the sockets dump out and I have had the case open on accident.
I once coveted a friend's magnetic case.
How easy would it be to add magnets?
Question the first: Proportionately yes, but there're deep sockets in the same sizes.
Question the second: Warhammer gaming magnets.
Cases are cunningly designed to always open upside down.
Start with your Allen wrenches?
www.thingiverse.com/tag:allen_wrench_holder (44 things)
Search term 'coin sorter':
www.thingiverse.com/search?q=coin+sorter&type=things&sort=relevant Maybe you could remix one of these, they seem to use gravity for power. See also, Galton Board: