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Old 08-20-2021, 02:33 PM   #331 (permalink)
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Martian geology

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Mars didn't freeze geologically, that's obsolete science. The Mars geologic mission is only takes seismic data from its 1 location and it's identified a mantle, core and an over all stunning level of activity.

1) Martian core radioisotopes were spent @ 2-billion years
2) There was no longer an internal heat source remaining to drive volcanism
3) Martian volcanism ceased @ 2-billion years
4) At 2-billion years, volcanoes stopped releasing greenhouse gases into Mar's atmosphere.
5) All atmospheric water vapor escaped to space, cooling the planet
6) Most carbon dioxide escaped to space, cooling the planet
7) The cold, feeble atmosphere leftover, supports wind storms as Mar's only 'weather'
8) Any remaining water exists within permafrost
9) NASA's MAVEN spacecraft operates remote sensing of Mars.
10) The European Space Agency's Trace Gas Orbiter was to operate remote sensing of Mars
11) NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter proved that geologic features below Mar's surface are associated with liquid water. All Martian 'slope' features involve liquid water
12) Any extant, internal Martian heat is of too low a thermal content to drive volcanism
13) There's no atmosphere capable of producing lightning
14) If the Interplanetary Magnetic Field caused lighting erosion on Mar's, one might expect it to drive lightning erosion on Earth, as it is 48.6-million miles closer to the 'source' than Mars
15) Earth, which is still active with lightning, demonstrates zero lightning-related geologic features on its surface
16) Sunlight driving thunderstorms on Mars would be only 43.1% as strong as on Earth.
17) Mar's magnetic field, one-eight-hundredths the strength of Earth's.

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Last edited by aerohead; 08-20-2021 at 06:18 PM.. Reason: add data
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