It’s amazing how outdated information about what is now an antique car gets passed around as relavent to current car buyers
There was indeed a series of what would be considered 1st generation Tesla’s that got the drive unit swapped in some cases multiple times. But going on 8+ years since the issue was resolved is rather disengenious
I am no Tesla fan but he is mostly wrong except for a band of specific elderly Tesla’s
Are Tesla’s rock solid ? Nope
But his talk like it’s EVERY Tesla is a little much, maybe he lost money trying to short TSLA and got burned?
I’ve never much cared for him or engineering explained due to their propensity to become miopic on very narrow aspects of a topic that are irrelevant to me drawing a false conclusion by placing more importance on a single element of the design than it deserves.
I’ve noted both to drone on about things that are blatantly obvious to anyone, understood by every buyer and for me not an important limitation, they spend a half hour on an obvious limitation I accept as OK then conclude it’s a failure due to a limitation In fine with.
But normally they don’t just exaggerate (at best) lie (worst) about a subject
Must just be click bait for the uniformed or genuine rage like we see in every public topic on Facebook
Thinking further his comments may be similar to what happens when someone wants to buy a 100,000 mile plus Prius or Volt and ask the forum.
They are told DONT do it because even if you most likely won’t have to replace anything, if you do nobody works on it and the price they will charge will be a car totaling event similar to replacing a transmission on a RAV4.
Good thing older cars like the Volt and Prius have the software and hardware fully roc’s and hacked for diy replacement/ repair or even modification
Last edited by rmay635703; 09-17-2021 at 12:21 AM..