Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I am favorable to both biofuels and those synthetic fuels made through carbon sequestration. When it comes specifically to biofuels, the possibility of resorting to nearly any organic waste as a feedstock for at least one biofuel also renders it more reasonable than simply pushing for a ban of the ICE.
Indeed, but for some reasons our greens where very much against this idea.
There was a proposal to not have mineral oil tax on biofuels, wich they voted against.
Their reasoning was that we should focus on electric cars instead, wich we should indeed do, but that doesn't mean all ICE cars instantly disappear from the road.
Cars have a lifespan and we're still building ICE cars, if we want to reduce CO2 emissions, using CO2 neutral fuels for them is a significant factor.
Although having mineral oil tax on non mineral oil fuels is a little obscure to begin with if you ask me.