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Old 09-22-2021, 12:52 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Oregon's governor recently announced a water emergency, and some counties are implementing restrictions.

We're being asked to only water on odd or even days, depending on our address.

How in the heck does that conserve water? I water about every 5 days, which would result in alternating odd and even days, but is nowhere near as frequently as every other day.

This is an example of a dumb idea to solve a problem.
You are being asked to water a MAXIMUM of every other day. People in the neighborhood a block over (were I used to rent) water every day. They are required by the HOA to have functional sprinkler systems and keep their yards green all year or pay fines.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Why don't they implement tiered pricing, where the first x amount of water consumption is relatively cheap, while amounts exceeding that become exceedingly more expensive? They could make that tiered pricing only apply in the summer when we don't get rain.
That is exactly how my water bill works. We have fixed $17 charge to be connected and then pay by our water usage in 3 tiers. The first tier is $2.76 a CCF Second tier is $4.30. Third tier is $5.83. That doesn't sound like much but a couple of homes on the fancy side of the neighborhood where houses run $750K to $1 million drilled wells this year. Don't know if they are doing it to get around the watering restrictions or cut costs.

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