Thread: I bought a TDI!
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Old 09-23-2021, 11:07 PM   #55 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
For the Miller cycle you may need a different turbo, or even change it for a supercharger since you'll be getting less exhaust pressure as the combustion stroke will now much longer than the compression stoke which will soak up more combustion gas pressure, leaving less for the turbo.
Even though the original Miller cycle featured a supercharger, absent from the so-called Atkinson engines available nowadays which are not proper Atkinson engines (there are different linkages between the piston and crankshaft due to the Otto's patents which James Atkinson was attempting to circumvent), maybe resorting to something like Volvo's PowerPulse system featured to its latest twin-turbo Diesels could get the job done better. It does surprise me this very same approach wasn't applied to its T6 and T8 gassers instead of the twincharger featuring both a turbo and a blower.
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