I've been running Red Line MTL and/or Red Line MT-90 for 8 years ('98-'00 CiViCs).
I prefer MT-90! Some ppl mix the two - same chemistry - but its' s a waste of time, IMHO!
MT-90 takes a little longer to 'warm up' - that's all. MTL is kinda watery, but some ppl prefer that.
I have NEVER had a tranny failure, and I drive my cars pretty hard!
My trannys shift slick as snot, and you can see my FE below.
I recommend Red Line MT-90.
BTW, you might find this top post interesting...
GM Synchromesh in ITR tranny review - Team Integra
(H)ere is the most precise , coherent opinionated explanation from someone with the "correct" experience...
I have NO connection with that site...