Here is a puzzle for all you CFD experts. I yesterday released my solar heater design, but it still needs little bit design before making first real world tests and I was wondering if you could help.
I ended at the moment making that kind of holes for the aluminum tin paper. Target is to get even flow speeds under the aluminum tin and on top of it on the visible side. On the visible side flow speeds can be little bit slower. At the moment I have left there little bit more room 30mm vs 20mm under the AL foil. I would like to have little bit slower flow speed on that side as the PC sheet will be "cold"compared to the inside of the collector.
Would like to make quick and dirty CFD run, but sadly I don`t have any software currently in use that could do such a simulation.
What you think would this design work well or would you think any other cutting patterns?
Main targets
1. Maximal surface area under the PC sheet which has AL tin foil.
2. pretty even flow in liters in each channel and little bit less near the PC
3. Idea is to have even laminar flow inside heater to minimize losses and get even temperatures inside the collector, which will lead to greater overall efficiency, because hot spots will be minimal.
Link to yesterdays video in comments.
#aerodynamics #cfd #puzzle #airheater #flowoptimization #laminar #flow #engineering #fluidflow #simulation