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Old 10-07-2021, 01:53 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5
I'm frankly surprised you moved away from the gold standard.
Every time I'm at the Post Office i ask the clerk when we will see Postal Banking again.

Campaign for Postal Banking - Support Postal Banking
Campaign for Postal Banking – Support Postal Banking
Postal Banking is simply the provision of low-cost, consumer-driven financial services via the Postal Service. Products and services could range from check cashing to bill payment to savings accounts to small-dollar loans. Postal Banking will benefit consumers who do not have access to traditional banks as well as those who would prefer a more ...

Postal Banking: What It Is And How It Works › what-is-postal-banking-1828194701
What Is Postal Banking? Most Americans can rely on direct deposit, debit cards and online bill pay to work seamlessly in everyday life. There might be fees, sure, and most of us could use a few ...

Postal Banking | American Postal Workers Union › postal-banking
Campaign for Postal Banking is a coalition of consumer, worker, financial reform, economic justice, community, civic, and faith-based organizations building a campaign-based movement to inform and mobilize the public to call on the United States Postal Service to take the necessary steps to restore and expand postal banking at its branches across the country.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar --You can't say that is a coincidence.
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