Originally Posted by Hersbird
But they also said they will be "concentrating" on the vans. Making more pickups than vans doesn't sound like concentrating on vans. I think they could make 50,000 pickups in 2 years, say 10,000 in 2022 and 40,000 in 2023, but I bet you don't see them make more than 5,000 any year going forward. I bet 2022 it will be all they can do to get the first 10,000 vans done on time. Even Ford says it will be all they can do to make 18000 Lightnings the first year and they have been at this awhile now.
They said they are concentrating on getting 300 vans finished by the end of the year. I read it as they still have a lot to finish up before the vans can go into production so that is what their engineers will be focused on.
The F150 Lightening isn't scheduled to start production until mid-2022 so of course 2022 production will be lower.