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Old 10-11-2021, 02:46 PM   #21 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
90 day: 17.3 mpg (US)
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Back to the original question:

Yes, I've compared buying an additional car to avoid driving my 15 mpg van.

The only time the numbers worked out was when I leased a Spark EV for $100 a month, paid $600 a year for insurance on it, and could charge for free at work. The total cost of ownership on the Spark was less than gas for the van.

The numbers don't work on a gas vehicle - even something like a cheap 2nd gen Prius that gets 45 mpg. (And that isn't even factoring in money lost by buying a second car instead of keeping that money invested earning 10% or more a year). It might work for you with double the daily mileage.

We were in a similar situation as you 20 years ago when my wife went back to school and was driving 100 miles a day to the university. We sold the 15 mpg truck and bought a 45 mpg Jetta Wagon TDI.

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