The nice thing about satelite is that there's just one fiber-optic cable that comes into our town that runs everything (all internet service providers, cell phone towers and landlines). When that's been affected (sometimes for days) the whole valley goes out of service, with no way of making any calls or emails or anything.
The problem is of course latency. But here in town there is no fiber-optic option to my home. This has made me avoid doing anything latency sensitive online anyway.
I'm sure jealous when I go to Mexico and everyone has super fast, low latency fiber-optic internet going to their homes for a way cheaper price than for the crappy internet we have over here.
Still I'm granfathered in on the old Time Warner's ELP (Every-day Low Price) plan and Starlink would be much, much more expensive. Interestingly when comparing interenet speeds of my low price internet and everyone else's it all seems to be the same speed here in town. Even those that paid considerable more for faster interenet seem to get the same speeds as I do.